martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

An End of the Term Fun Challenge

  • Go to
  • Create a comic in Spanish. DO NOT RELY ON TRANSLATORS. They will lead you astray. 
  • This is, for those of you I speak with, a required assignment. For anybody else, it is extra credit. It is due THURSDAY BEFORE CLASS. 
  • If any of these are good enough, I will feature them on The Fighting Marmot and/or elsewhere on campus.
  • El contexto del este diálogo y las instrucciones que hay que seguir son las siguientes... 
Estás hablando con un compañero sobre los trabajos que te interesan.

-Pregúntale a tu compañero qué trabajo quiere hacer durante el verano.
-responde a la pregunta de tu compañero.
-pregúntale qué habilidades o conocimientos debe tener para hacer ese trabajo.
-de tu opinión sobre los comentarios de tu compañero.

palabras/frases útiles:

  • Me gustaría (I would like)... + infinitivo
  • Me encantaría (I would love)... + infinitivo
  • Me interesaría (I would be interested in...) + infinitivo
  • Oye (Hey...)
  • Este (um....)

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Algunos detalles IMPORTANTES para esta semana

ESTIMADOS alumnos míos,

Espero que hayan pasado muy bien el fin de semana, y que hayan esquiado mucho.

Algunas cosas importantes para esta semana:

  • Chuck and Ty: one of you didn't put your name on your travel syllabus and the other didn't turn it in. I will bring it in tomorrow to resolve this - until and unless we figure out whose it is you both have zeros on your travel work. 
  • Jace and Ty - neither of you has done the recording on Miguel's job search. If you look at the posts on this site you will see a model answer from Chris Fitz that I posted for Joe's benefit. You both need to be studying this TONIGHT and take it by NO LATER than Tuesday. These grades are vital to your well being. 
  • To the folks who were unable to finish the Chapter 5 Quest, YOU MUST appear at office hours this week ready to rewrite your composition. This is the only section of the exam you will be allowed to repeat. Until you do that, your grade stands. The quests are graded and are in the grade book, along with a number of grades I had fallen behind on due to prolonged illness but spent the better part of today catching up on. No quest corrections accepted - we will be going over the quest Monday in class. To see how well you listened up during the review, I will give you one of the sections as a quiz at the end of class. This is an opportunity not to be missed.
  • Winter term students who are staying on but have not yet forwarded to my email ( a receipt for purchase of our textbook currently have a 0/10 in my gradebook. The later I get this receipt, the less opportunity you have to raise this score. I suggest a very rapid resolution. I will do a textbook check in class Monday. 
  • Due to missed time from the snow storm, the character of the Chapter 5 oral test has changed - I don't want to spend two whole class periods preparing and presenting when we're already well behind where I'd like to be. Due to the very strong scores on the last chapter video (when you took notes and then called in to Google Voice a summary), I will try to help you by repeating that style of oral assessment. Take good notes in class Monday or Tuesday (depending on when we get to the video) and you will likely do well. 

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

La historia de Miguel

For Joe Piercy's review (but make sure to say "Hola Jobe, SOY José") - a model oral test by Chris Fitz:

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Examen el martes



  • Due to too much interest in March Madness and live timing lately, NO COMPUTERS are allowed in class for the foreseeable future. 
  • Any winter term students such as Conner who will be staying on until the end of the year are REQUIRED to purchase textbooks at this point. I must receive an email confirmation of your purchase by Monday evening (, which is my email address, by the way, Fitz) - if I don't receive this confirmation at the designated time it goes in my gradebook as a 0/10. 

Como he dicho EN CLASE, examen el martes (Vocab and Structure, Written), 22 de marzo, Cap. 5.

Presente perfecto del subjuntivo...un repaso: 

Presente perfecto del indicativo, un repaso...

El pluscuamperfecto del indicativo repaso... (this video took WAY too long to load so I gave up on it. Just go to the Practice link here.

Repaso de Vocabulario (this does not mean don't study the textbook word bank by any means: 

Otros enlaces útiles:
En cuanto al formato del examen:
  • Structure and Vocab (40%); Gap Fills (Vocab and Grammar) - TUESDAY.
  • Written (30%) - also TUESDAY: The theme is found on page 236 of your textbook ("Imagina que quieres pedir trabajo en un centro recreativo. Vas a enviar una carta en la que expliques tus cualidades, tu experiencia y las razones por las que te gustaría trabajar allí. Escribe una carta para solicitar empleo." HAY QUE INCLUIR TANTO EL PRESENTE PERFECTO DEL INDICATIVO COMO PRESENTE PERFECTO DEL SUBJUNTIVO). Hay un buen modelo que se encuentra en la página 237. 
  • Oral (30%): Will take place in class either THURSDAY or FRIDAY depending upon when your class meets. You must follow the instructions on page 235 of your text ("Presentación Oral"). Presentations should include presente perfect indicativo and subjunctive, should be at least 2 minutes in duration, and will be evaluated according to fluency (that means you can't stumble to fill up time), pronunciation, and overall coherence. You may have an OUTLINE on the front side only of a 3x5 index card. I will inspect your outline before you speak. 

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Tarea para el lunes, 21 de marzo

Leer p. 222 en el libro del texto y completar Act. 24 por escrito (frases completas - I want these handwritten and NOT blogposted) y Act. 26 (click on the link to take you to the audio) por escrito.

what does this mean??? REVV MAC PHDD F

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011