lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

¡Examen oral mañana!

NO se olviden: Van a tener que llamar GV y hablar por 1:30-2 minutos sobre uno de los temas a continación EN CLASE el martes:

1. Mi vida diaria (voy, salgo, hago, etc.)
2. Los programas de television ((no) me gusta(n)/encanta(n), etc los programas ... porque son...)
3. Describe lo que haces cada mañana desde que abres los ojos hasta que sales para ir a la escuela (verbos reflexivos)

How to prepare:
*Work with somebody to practice thorough, accurate answers which show a depth and breadth of vocabulary. Help each other.
*If you like, call in samples to GV in advance for my feedback.
*Practice, practice, practice.

If everybody gets an "A" on this then we will break from book work and watch a film in class while eating mass quantities of donuts during our next long period.

1 comentario:

  1. This is what the rubric looks like, with Fluency counting 15 points and Pronunciation 15 points and every other catagory 10.

    Rubric for Spanish Oral Exam

    Chapter: ___________________________
    Name: ____________________________
    Point Value: ___________________________


    Vocabulary: ________

    Pronunciation: ________

    Structure: ________

    Fluency: ________

    Total: ________
