NO se olviden: Van a tener que llamar GV y hablar por 1:30-2 minutos sobre uno de los temas a continación EN CLASE el martes:
1. Mi vida diaria (voy, salgo, hago, etc.)
2. Los programas de television ((no) me gusta(n)/encanta(n), etc los programas ... porque son...)
3. Describe lo que haces cada mañana desde que abres los ojos hasta que sales para ir a la escuela (verbos reflexivos)
How to prepare:
*Work with somebody to practice thorough, accurate answers which show a depth and breadth of vocabulary. Help each other.
*If you like, call in samples to GV in advance for my feedback.
*Practice, practice, practice.
If everybody gets an "A" on this then we will break from book work and watch a film in class while eating mass quantities of donuts during our next long period.
This is what the rubric looks like, with Fluency counting 15 points and Pronunciation 15 points and every other catagory 10.
ResponderBorrarRubric for Spanish Oral Exam
Chapter: ___________________________
Name: ____________________________
Point Value: ___________________________
Vocabulary: ________
Pronunciation: ________
Structure: ________
Fluency: ________
Total: ________