So the past few days we have been working on the preterit tense.
We have been spending time working on conjugations and have been using verb charts from and The past two classes have been much ado about the chapter vocabulary. And that silly story time.
Here is some of the vocab we always go over in the beginning of class.
Los binoculares Binoculars
La brújula Compass
La linterna Flashlight
El repelente de insectos Insect repellent
El saco de dormir Sleeping bag
La tienda de acampar Tent
El bosque wood, Forest
Escalar To climb (a rock or mountain)
La lluvia Rain
La nieve Snow
Nubes Clouds
Hace Calor Hot
Hace Frio Freezing
Hace Fresco Cool
Hace Sol Sunny
Viento Wind
Not bad, Jace - give me a little more detail next time but pretty solid. The other thing is you need to post these before the weekend to help folks who were not in class (Katrin).