viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Repaso para el examen del trimestre

Spanish 3 Fall Trimester Exam Study Guide

OJO: The exam will come exclusively from the following links. Having access to these links in advance - essentially with the exam in your laps beforehand - I will hold you to high standards. The breakdown of your exam grade is as follows:

  • Estructura: 55%
  • Examen Oral: 45%
Here are the details regarding each of these three sections...

I. Estructura: Visit and complete the following links...

->From Para Empezar:

->From Chapter 1:

->From Chapter 2:

III. Examen Oral: This will count 45% of your exam grade. You will be calling in to Google Voice and recording (over a period of two minutes) the story of Superhombre, found on the Colby College Spanish site.

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