viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Weekend assignment details

Conner and the traveling folk - down below are photographs of the sheet that was given out in class yesterday.

You have two weekend assignments:
  1. Make sure you have the answers to these conjugation sheets (the photographs) 100% correct to show me on Monday or Tuesday, depending upon when your next class meeting is.
  2. To help you with Monday's/Tuesday's in-class activities, I want everybody to either take your own original images (highly encouraged, to maximize your homework score) or download->upload images of the following vocab words to post to your blog (EACH of you to EACH blog) along with the words themselves. The images should clearly demonstrate your understanding of the words, which are...
  • entrenadora
  • hacer caso
  • escoger
  • atreverse
  • ponerse de acuerdo
  • enojado
  • malentendido
  • hacer las paces
  • tener la culpa
Choose a minimum of 7 of these words. If you have a BlueTooth enabled phone or camera it is easy to move them back and forth between phone and computer (or read here if you need some guidance...).

For traveling skiers, this vocab/photog assignment is optional because you already have assignments. I will consider it extra credit for all Nordic and Alpine skiers who are currently on the road.

Answers to these conjugation sheets, however, should be completed by ALL using any resources YOU can find, on-line or otherwise, to help you.

Have fun!

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