sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Cap. 4 Assessment Options

As indicated in class, you will have a variety of choices for your Chapter 4 Assessment, which applies to travelers as well as to non-travelers. Regardless of which you choose, your assessment will count 50 points.

You may choose ONE of the following assessments:
  1. iMovie/MovieMaker project based on either of the two songs at http://www.phschool.com/atschool/realidades/hiphop/L3_4.html (Prentice Hall put Capitulo 5 at the top of that link, but it is a mistake, because the content is clearly from Capítulo 4).
  2. A Google Voice recording, completed in front of Jobe (yes, these WILL be proctored), in which you THOROUGHLY narrate the story in as much detail as possible regarding the "malentendido" (from Cap. 4, "A Primera Vista 2" in your textbook).
Due dates are as follows:
  1. For Option 1 above, Friday, Feb. 11th by 8 am (regardless of whether your class meets that day) - they must be both uploaded to YouTube AND embedded on your blog by that time and no later. If you need direction on this, you must see Jobe during office hours this week. If you're unable to meet with me during office hours, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3l0feGWTi0, or, if you don't find this video helpful, conduct your own YouTube search for tutorial material. Embrace self-directed learning, which will serve you well in life! Additionally, if you want to choose this project but have no prior experience with iMovie or MovieMaker, you should work with somebody in the class who has prior experience or view this video (for iMovie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPLWNnFy6AM or this video (for MovieMaker): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOE-Sx9QvYA. If you find that neither of these videos is helpful, please conduct your own YouTube search for applicable tutorials. You may also direct your questions my way, but the goal of this is to hone your self-directed learning skills. They will help you immensely in college and beyond.
  2. For Option 2 above, this will happen in class either Thursday or Friday, depending upon which day your class meets. If you will not be in class either of those days, you must do this BEFORE you depart for any trip (yes, that means Wednesday, I assume, which still gives you more than enough time)
  1. For Option 1, you MUST include text overlays of the song lyrics on your slides, and transitions of images should be, as before, clearly timed to demonstrate your understanding of the song's lyrics. I will NOT require original images, but those who do create their own original images (photographs, illustrations, etc) rather than relying on downloads from the Internet will receive extra consideration. As before, you MUST have a title slide with your name and your school name. Your SECOND SLIDE MUST be an image of the Realidades 3 textbook (which you can download easily), to give them copyright recognition for the content. This is also a test of your ability to follow directions! Significant point deductions will result from failure to follow these basic directions. Finally, this project will NOT be considered turned in on time UNTIL AND UNLESS it is embedded on your e-portfolio (which is your blog!). It is 10% off per day late, and, since this is the third time around for many of you with this kind of project, I will be holding the line on these deductions.
  2. For Option 2, I want to be sure that you are clear if you are choosing this option that a superficial rendering of the story will not suffice to score an "A". Option 1 requires a pretty significant outlay of time, and, to be fair to those who choose that option, your preparation will need to be thorough and your delivery both thorough and precise. Since this will be recorded, you will need to practice regularly, including your pronunciation, and I will require you to come into office hours Wednesday to practice in front of me so that I can tell you whether I feel your rendering of the story is worthy of the grade you seek. You will need to arrive at office hours Wednesday already having practiced repeatedly.
I hope you enjoy the opportunity to choose your assessment. Assessments are inevitable - you will take many tests in life. Demonstrate your appreciation for the opportunity to choose how you are assessed with a comment below and you will likely have assessment options again in the future. Also, notice the Poll I have put on our class blog regarding which option you plan to choose. These responses are anonymous and are designed to give me some insight into which direction most of you think at this time you will be headed.

SuperBowl Prediction: Packers by 9.

Buena suerte...

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